100% Made in Italy
System IT01


  • The 100% Made in Italy Certification that the Institute for the Protection of ItalianProducers issues is carried out in line with the parameters provided for by current Italian legislation:
    lawnr. 166 Article 16 of November 20, 2009.
  • The company requires certification declaring that it meets the requirements (entirely Italian production, Italian semi-finished products, first choice materials, own style, typical traditional processing).
  • The Company fills in the specification and provides documentation proving the existence of the declared requirements.
  • The Institute will carry out inspections in the company for the verification of the requirements and the compliance of the documented to the declared.
  • The investigation and management of relations with the Certification Company are carried out by the delegate body Promindustria SpA. Studies of accountants on the national territory are authorized to carry out the investigation.
    Certification Requirements:
  1. Designed and manufactured entirely in Italy
    1. Made with exclusive designs and design of the Company
    2. Built entirely in Italy
    3. Made with Italian semi-finished products
    4. With machining tracing
  2. Built with Quality Natural Materials
    1. Individual or compound natural materials
    2. Quality materials and first choice for the intended use
    3. With traceability of the origin of raw materials
  3. Built on Typical Traditional Features
    1. Particular company processes
    2. Using typical traditional techniques
  4. Carried out with respect for work Hygiene and Safety
    1. Carried out in full respect of the work
    2. In accordance with health and safety at work and manufactured goods used.


100% MADE in ITALY

Compila il Modulo per essere ricontattato

Le Aziende interessate possono richiedere la modulistica per l'avvio della procedura della certificazione 100% Made in Italy.
L'inoltro della richiesta di certificazione non costituisce automaticamente la concessione della certificazione.
Le Aziende debbono possedere i requisiti essenziali previsti dal disciplinare e dall'appendice di settore.
Il comitato tecnico ITPI01 si riunisce una volta al mese per le deliberazioni.

numero verde: 800.91.17.62

Di che colore è il quadrato numero uno?
rosso verde blu giallo