So that the consumer can have certainty and guarantee on the true origin and quality of the Italian product, the Institute has issued the 100% MADE IN ITALY Certificate.
All goods that have 100% made in Italy distinctive signs can be considered true Italian product.
Only shopkeepers in possession of window cases, showcase signs and price marks with the 100% made in Italy brand, are officially authorized to sell the real Italian product.
THE DISTINCTIVE SIGNS On the product On the adhesive label On the TRACEABILITY stores Any consumer can ascertain the true origin of the Italian product if certified, on the website
You can check if the Company's brand is a true Italian brand and for each product can ascertain the true origin by entering the next numbering code. HANDMADE 100% CERTIFIED
The Institute to guarantee the consumer on the true origin of the product made entirely by hand has issued the HANDAMADE CERTIFICATION IN ITALY.
All goods that have handmade in Italy 100% Certified distinctive signs, can be considered a true handmade Italian product.
Only shopkeepers in possession of window cases, showcase signs and price marks under the Handmade in Italy 100% Certificate brand, are officially authorized to sell the real Italian product.
CERTIFICATION IN ACCORDANCE with scientific and technical information on the presence of dangerous chemicals in consumer products (clothing, footwear, accessories, etc.) has become increasingly important.
To counter the threats of these substances to human health and to better guarantee the protection of the consumer, PROMINDUSTRIA has studied the CS Certification, with which, through the use of the CS MARK, it certifies compliance with hygiene and health standards and compliance with safety criteria for the production of its products (such as footwear, clothing, leather goods, accessories and furniture).
DISTINCTIVE SIGNS The main distinguishing mark on products is the brand Through shop signs, price markers and window cases, the consumer can identify which shopkeepers support our initiative.